How to Make Small Talk at Corporate Parties

Holiday party season is upon us! Once the ides of November hit, so to the holiday festivities, and you may  find your calendar packed full of events that require schmoozing and small talk. Whether you love or dread these events, they’re important to go to – especially if you see them as an opportunity to polish…

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Manage Your Energy, Set Your Goals, Find Your Balance

You can find Michelle Cederberg on Twitter @Cederbergspeaks Do you ever find yourself struggling to hit a decent balance between all the activities and responsibilities you have on your plate and the energy you have to actually do all those things? Heavens knows I do, and I know plenty of others who do as well. The frustration…

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How to open your talk

The first few minutes of your speech or talk are critical. Putting together a really solid opener can be tricky, and Ian is looking for advice on how to create stronger openers will grab his audience’s attention from the start: Hi Lauren,  My name is Ian, and I’m in the financial sector. I give lots…

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Engage! How to Get People to Lean In and Listen

You can find Roger Haskett on Twitter @rogerhaskett Communication is all about connection. If you want to get people to want to genuinely connect with you, then you have to figure out how to engage them first. Engagement can be something of a buzzword, especially in today’s corporate environment.   But to help us deconstruct…

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How to get over making mistakes in your presentation

So you made a mistake during your presentation. Even if the rest of the presentation goes great, it’s the mistakes that get burned into our brain. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but how to you get over a mistake when the memory of it makes you want to hide with shame? It’s important to figure this…

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How to Deal with Hecklers – Public Speaking Tips

It’s a presenter’s nightmare: some jerk in the audience decides to give you a hard time, asking impossible questions, challenging everything you say, making snarky comments, and trying to make you look like an idiot. Congratulations – you’ve got a heckler. Hecklers can really throw you off your game, and it happened to Laura who…

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