What’s The Problem With Uptalk?

In this episode of Communication Q&A, I have a question  about a really common speech habit, coming our way from Melissa, who writes “Hi Lauren – I saw your video on vocal fry and it made me think of a problem I’ve been having. A colleague has told me that I often use “upspeak” and…

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What’s the Problem with Vocal Fry?

Ah, vocal fry – that little edge to a voice that gets people (almost always women) accused of sounding like Kim Kardashian or whoever the vapid-starlet-du-jour may be. But what *is* it, precisely? Is it actually a problem, or is it just another way of policing someone’s (again, usually a woman’s) voice? This communication Q&A…

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How to speak & present clearly while wearing a mask

Widespread masking is something many of us are needing to deal with for the first time, and that piece of cloth really affects how we speak and communicate. Whether you are in an area that has mandatory masking or you are voluntarily masking for people’s health and safety, figuring out how to speak and present…

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How to Make A Pre-Packaged Corporate Presentation Your Own

Ahh, the delight of being assigned to give a ready-made, communications-department-massaged, cororate-HQ-approved presentation…complete with a script and soulless slide deck… Dealing with pre-approved, canned corporate presentations is a reality for many, many employees. There’s lots of reasons why some companies don’t give their employees much (or any) say in their presentation slide decks or script.…

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