The Perfect Guide to Holiday Etiquette

For my American friends,  here is a guide to holiday dinner etiquette.  Note the hilarity that can be created by using technically correct words in an unexpected context.   Or just have fun with the sheer puerile nature of this offering.  Don’t show it to your kids.   [youtube]

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Interaction hang-ups

During a presentation I was delivering last week, one of the attendees asked what to do about communication methods that we dislike.  Specifically, he was wondering about how to handle modes of transmission that make us uncomfortable – things like email, texting, telephone, and the like. The multiplicity of communication methods we have available at…

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How to tell when it’s time to shut up

Have you ever wondered how to tell when it’s time to shut your gob?   Causing a child to cry is a pretty good indication: Dear Little Girl: Sorry We Made You Cry About ‘Bronco Bamma’ and Mitt Romney.   Poor thing.  I’ve felt that way during truly atrocious presentations.   Incidentally, Canadian news gets…

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The nerves keep on jangling

I took a couple of weeks away from blogging, speaking, computers, and just about everything else communication.  This was a refreshing, if unplanned break.  As my wee boy was in a major growth spurt, I needed time to make up for a lot of broken, unsettled sleep and dial down my daily activities a little.…

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Awkward moments

One of the workshops I provide is about answering questions under fire.  Today’s video is an example of what can happen when you are under fire and lose control of where the questions may go. Enjoy! [youtube]

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Communication blockade

With the recent tragic news regarding the suicide of BC teen Amanda Todd, attention has been renewed on the topic of bullying both in media and in casual conversation.  Bullying does seem to be more prevalent now than it has been in recent years (possibly due to the potential for 24/7 harassment over internet social…

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When newscasters pray

Today’s dose of silly provides both hilarity and a lesson. The hilarity occurs within the first 1:30 of the video, a double dose of writhing embarassment at Romney’s awkwardness and a laugh-out-loud moment at the newscaster’s reaction. This is followed up by a good commentary about keeping true to your style and personality when speaking…

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Fully Present

This past weekend was the Canadian thanksgiving holiday, which I spent happily cocooned in a triptophan-induced semi-coma.  Thankfully, I had the American presidential debates to giggle over while recovering from the turkey binge. Political debates are quite possibly the best fora to observe the spectrum of speaking and rhetorical competency.  The unpredictability of the politicians’…

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An offering of silliness

In order to make up for neglecting to post a ridiculous video for you last Friday (the new parent broken sleep exhaustion is catching up with me), I present you three very silly clips: #1:  Stating things simply is often the best way to present our message.  It doesn’t get much simpler than this: [youtube…

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