Book Review: Too Dumb For Democracy?

It’s been some time since I posted a book review, and I’ve been getting inquiries about what’s currently on my bookshelf. A few months ago, I got my hands on a juicy new Canadian release that those of you interested in the intersection between politics, critical thinking, and communication will probably love as much as…

#elbowgate and the pantomime of politics

I’m coming to the #elbowgate party a bit late. All the same, it’s too glittery a rhetoric issue for me to ignore. If you haven’t heard of Elbowgate, here is a brief summary: While votes were being gathered in the Canadian House of Commons on a contentious bill, a brouhaha was created when Prime Minister…

What’s the deal with vocal fry?

I finally got off my backside and did something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time – start a video component to this blog. Here it is for your viewing pleasure: the first ever (and rather rough) Up Front Communication vlog post!         I will be posting more videos here in…

Heat waves and mindsets

It has been very, very hot in my hometown over the past week. People are hiding in their basements, seeking out air conditioned venues, and generally doing as little as possible.  Men, women, children, and animals alike are sticky, sweaty, itchy, and irritable. This is affecting not only how people are saying their message, but…

So you are not outspoken…

There are people who come to me for help because they love speaking and want to get better at it. There are people who come to me for help because they are terrified of speaking, because they are desperately uncomfortable being heard and raising their voice, or because their shyness has started to get in…

The Perfect Guide to Holiday Etiquette

For my American friends,  here is a guide to holiday dinner etiquette.  Note the hilarity that can be created by using technically correct words in an unexpected context.   Or just have fun with the sheer puerile nature of this offering.  Don’t show it to your kids.   [youtube]