Death by email

The Unclutterer had an excellent post a few days ago regarding uncluttered email communication. It’s funny how a system that supposedly increases productivity and streamlines communication needs strategies for dealing with communication pile-ups.  Heavens knows I’ve fallen prey to email clutter; my inboxes are horrid messes filled with emails that will never be read more than…

Interaction hang-ups

During a presentation I was delivering last week, one of the attendees asked what to do about communication methods that we dislike.  Specifically, he was wondering about how to handle modes of transmission that make us uncomfortable – things like email, texting, telephone, and the like. The multiplicity of communication methods we have available at…

Is Twitter really a communication strategy?

I’m on the fence about this one.  In several online groups I belong to, issues surrounding social media communications strategies abound.  There are endless LinkedIn discussions about how to improve your corporate Facebook or Twitter presence, how to humanize your company with Instagram, how to develop a social brand, and how to attract “real” followers…