Conversations with ourselves

People like you and I spend a lot of time planning words that we are to deliver to other people.  It’s impossible to get away from it, really.  Every speech is a conversation, every conversation contains mini-speeches, and this is true whether the speeches or conversations are pre-conceived, rehearsed, or utterly spontaneous. We focus so…

Precious time

Time is important. We all know this.  We lead busy lives. Our days fly by. Time is valuable. Time is precious. Time is money. We bill hourly and count down minutes. The premium on time is what makes it so powerful.  Time is a gift. It is respect. It is consideration. You need to give…

Fill-in post: How to Listen

I started working on the next instalment on communicating intimately this weekend, and then got slammed with a nasty infection.  Needless to say, it has completely derailed my writing efforts.  Hopefully the antibiotics kick in soon (seriously – even the cartilage on my ears hurts). In the meantime, I would like to leave you with the following blog post…

Freedom from updates

Communication is a boon, a blessing, the only way to get things done. Things that facilitate communication are boons, blessings, necessary to our daily life at work and play. If the above statements are true, why is burnout higher than ever? Why do we have to manage our communications and contact with so many different…