I’m currently reaching to new audiences through a series of guest posts on a variety of blogs. Naturally, I don’t want to leave you in the dark, faithful reader, so for your ease and convenience, here is a teaser and link to my latest guest post. This post is featured on Success Consciousness.
3 Surprising Confidence Boosters from the World of Public Speaking
Anyone who has given a presentation knows that confidence plays a big role in public speaking. But confidence is not something most of carry around by the bucketful. For a speaker to face audiences again and again, they need to constantly work on their confidence game.
This confidence work has huge benefits in other areas of our lives, and not just when we need to deliver a wedding toast or boardroom presentation!
Here are three key coaching tips you can use to improve your confidence in all areas of your life:
Want to learn these confidence boosters? Click here to read the full post on Success Consciousness!