Here are some questions you need to ask yourself when working with an audience:
Do you listen? I mean it – do you really listen to what your audience is telling you?
Have you turned of the internal chatter? Are you taking in what they are telling you, or are you trying to think of how you will reply before they even finish speaking?
Are you listening to them before the presentation by digging into their particular context?
Are you listening to them during the presentation and re-focusing or reinforcing your content to meet their needs?
Are you listening to them beyond what they say? Are you paying attention to their body language? To the energy level of the room? To how they are interacting with one another?
Are you listening to them after the presentation? Do you hang around after the Q&A to chat and connect? Can they email you, and if so, do you reply?
Are you listening as fully and as wholly as you can?